Voting in Northampton County
Useful resources: Voting in PA – PA Dems Voting Center – including instructional videos and answers to common questions
1-833-PAVOTES (1-833-728-6837) – PA Dems Voter Assistance Hotline – voter lookup and info – including early voting and ballot drop-off locations and hours
Northampton County Office of Elections and Voter Registration
(610) 829-6260
669 Washington St
Easton, PA 18042
(Lower Level of County Courthouse/Government Center – across from Civil Division/Prothonotary office)
- Register to vote (in Pennsylvania)
- Check your registration status and polling place
- Request a mail-in ballot – ALL PA voters now eligible to vote by mail (can apply online!)
- Vote early in person (available at county election office, extended hours preceding every election in Northampton County!)
- OR: Plan and prepare to vote at your polling place on Election Day (we encourage voting early, either by mail or in-person at the County Election Office, to avoid lines or other issues that may occur at polls!)
Register to vote
– PA Dems form, submit first so PA Dems can follow up to make sure you have all the info you need to successfully vote
You should submit an application (online or on the paper form) to vote in Pennsylvania when:
- You turn 18, becoming eligible to vote (or will turn 18 by the next election)
- You become a naturalized citizen
- You move to Pennsylvania from another state (a new registration in most cases)
- You move from one address to a different address within Pennsylvania (change of address)
- You decide to change party affiliation, especially at least 15 days before a primary election (change of party)
- Your legal name changes or needs to be corrected (change of name)
- You haven’t voted in several years, nor responded to inquiries to maintain your registration (status might be “inactive“)
- You’re a Pennsylvania college student who decides to register at the college residence address
Have any questions about registering to vote in Pennsylvania? We’re glad to help! Just contact us.
Check your registration status and polling place
Pennsylvania Department of State: Check your Registration Status (find your record, including party affiliation and polling place)
Pennsylvania Department of State: Find a Polling Place (finds the polling place for an address, but only valid if registered to vote there!)
Northampton County: Northampton County Polling Place Locator (interactive GIS map)
Request a mail-in (or absentee) ballot
All Pennsylvania voters can apply for a mail-in ballot.
(You can also cast a mail-in ballot in person at the county election office during business hours, at least 7 days in advance of the election.)
We strongly encourage all voters to vote early (either by mail or in person) to reduce issues caused by high voter turnout on Election Day!
Track your ballot from when your application is received/processed, when the ballot is sent to you, and check when it’s received after you send it in!
Apply Online for your Mail-in or Absentee Ballot — signing up through PA Dems website ensures you’ll get guidance throughout the process
Note: If registering/updating voter registration, the last checkbox (#15) allows simultaneously signing up as an annual mail-in voter for the rest of the year. Checking this box means the registrant would only NOT need to apply for a mail-in ballot separately for this year, and only once each future year. If the registrant only wants to sign up for a ballot for the next upcoming election (and may not wish to sign up for the rest of the year), then apply separately at this link above instead of checking box 15.
NOTE: Check whether you’re already signed up for a mail-in ballot before submitting a new application through the state’s website. Specifically, if you selected “Annual Mail-in Ballot Request” (Box 7 on the paper application) when applying for the Primary, then you should already be signed up for the General Election. If the ballot tracking website finds no match for you, then it means you are not signed up and should submit an application if you wish to receive your ballot in the mail. If you would rather vote early in person, instead go to the county election office during open hours (as detailed by looking up your address on, and submit a paper application to be provided your ballot over the counter while you wait. You can complete and submit your ballot all in one trip, or take it home to either mail back or drop off another time.
Your ballot will be mailed to the address provided on the form, until the deadline for applications to be received (at 5 PM one week before Election Day). Once received, the ballot should be completed using the enclosed instructions, inserted into the secrecy envelope without making any marks, then put into the outer envelope, which must then be sealed, signed, and dated with today’s date. The ballot (within both envelopes) must be mailed back (or delivered, either directly to the county election office, or to one of seven secure drop boxes as listed on as instructed, by 8 PM Election Day. Please note that only the voter themselves can return a ballot/envelope in person, unless a special form is signed to designate someone else (a Designated Agent) to deliver the completed and sealed ballot.
Voters can also request, immediately receive, and then vote their mail-in ballot in person at the Election Office during the time applications are allowed (up to 7 days before the election, at 5 PM).
Short PSA video – how to complete and return your mail-in ballot:
Watch Northampton County Elections Department’s Mail-in Voting Guide and Tutorial (YouTube)
Plan and prepare to vote at your polling place on Election Day
If you don’t vote in advance/by mail, make sure you vote, by making a plan and preparing in advance to vote on Election Day! (However, we strongly encourage planning ahead by requesting your vote by mail ballot more than one week before the election, or request and return it in person at the county election office.)
- Put Election Day on your calendar(s) (electronic included) so you’ll have a reminder.
- Decide when on Election Day is the best time to vote: morning, lunch time, or afternoon/evening? Schedule it!
- If you’re concerned about missing your chance to vote on Election Day, apply for a mail-in ballot in advance to make sure your vote gets submitted!
- Research the candidates ahead of time so you know how to vote: we have information on all Democrats running here!
- Verify your registration and check your polling place ahead of time, especially if you aren’t sure where to go. Get a screen shot, photo, or printout of your confirmed registration shortly before the registration deadline, so you’ll have proof of your registration.
- Make sure you understand the process of voting on Northampton County’s voting machines (or Video: In-Person Voting with the ES&S XL Voting Machine).
- Bring a friend (or several) with you to the polls, to make sure they don’t miss out!
- If for any reason you are told you are not eligible to vote, you may demand to vote by provisional ballot, which will later be counted after your eligibility is confirmed. If you learn you are registered to vote elsewhere within Northampton County but will not have time to go there and vote, then a provisional ballot at least allows you to cast your vote.
- If you requested a mail-in ballot but decide to instead vote on the machine at your polling place, you must bring your ballot WITH outer/mail-back envelope (bring both to be safe) to surrender at your poll. Otherwise, or if you mailed it but believe it may not be received in time (April 23), your only option will be to vote by provisional ballot. (The provisional ballot will be counted ONLY if your mail-in ballot is not received in time or not submitted, but otherwise the mail-in ballot will be counted and the provisional ballot will not.)